Annual Maintenance Contract

The Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) is a support contract issued on a per-license basis with each product license. Owners of an AMC are entitled to free upgrades of minor and major release versions, as well as, priority technical support services (see the Technical Support page for details) over a period of 12 months from the initial purchase.

How Do I Buy or Renew My Annual Maintenance Subscription?

The easiest way to buy an AMC is to purchase it together with the product. However, you can also purchase the AMC anytime within 30 days of the initial license purchase. The contract will be backdated to the time of the original license purchase. The AMC can be renewed annually before the expiry date of the then-current AMC term.

If you wish to renew your subscription, or if you wish to purchase a subscription for a product you already own, please see Order page for details.